As a digital marketer or website owner, you have probably heard about Instagram marketing, YouTube marketing, Facebook marketing, and Twitter marketing, but have you heard about Pinterest marketing?When you type into Google, there is very little information about Pinterest marketing, and you might even go up to page 5 of search results without finding any authoritative guide on how to get traffic from Pinterest.
Even if you find the best of the bad results, the tips shared are not comprehensive and in-depth.In this article, I am going to share with you the best variety of ways to draw traffic from Pinterest, for all industries – not just fitness and lifestyle.
Pinterest is not just a social media platform; it’s a search engine and one of the most underrated search engines. It can help you create a massive surge in quality traffic without spending any bucks.
Open a Pinterest business account
The first step to attract traffic from Pinterest is signing up for a business account. Personal and business accounts offer different terms of service.If you want to use the platform for commercial purposes, you will have to open a Business account. Moreover, promoted pins, Plus Rich pins, and access to Pinterest Analytics are available only for Business accounts.
Additionally, the Buyable pins are only usable by users with a Business account. However, this is only applicable to Demandware, BigCommerce, and Shopify.
Last but not least, it is free to create a Business account or convert your personal into a business.When creating a new account, whether personal or business, attracting followers should be your primary target. And your profile should comprise of your company logo, brand name, website URL, description, and boards. The boards are like silos for the content you will be sharing on Pinterest.
If in future you would like to change your profile, you do so by visiting “Edit Profile” in the top right corner of your profile.Set up your boards with keywords and fill them with pinsAfter setting up your account, you have to optimise it properly, as I mentioned above, Pinterest is a social media as well as a search engine.
However, the search algorithm in Pinterest is not as efficient or ‘smart’ like Google, so it may want to do careful keyword stuffing.These keywords can be used in the board descriptions, names of your boards, in pin descriptions, as well as inside your business name. You to let your Pinterest account know what your business is about and you can only achieve this by creating boards for your content. Be sure to give each board a keyword-based description.
Don’t forget to set up your boards with cover images. With the board cover, the image that you add will be will be combined in the board as the latest pin.However, Pinterest does not allow you to permutate your pins on your board. But you can do this by moving specific pins to a different board and then back so that they appear in the top inside.
Recently Pinterest has added a feature called Showcase, which allows businesses to rotate preferred pins at the top of their profiles. Now when your customers visit your profile, you can greet them with a selected showcase of the best ideas you have to offer.
Rich Pins on your blog or website
Rich Pins are a type of organic Pin format that provides more context about an idea by showing extra information directly on the Pin. Rich Pins are available for free for any Pinterest account. There are six types of Rich Pins on Pinterest; movie, app, recipe, product, article, and place.Since you are looking for Pinterest SEO, you should go for the article Rich Pins. The article Rich Pins will allow your followers to know that they are clicking on a page with content that conveys a story. The pins include the title of the article, the author, and a short description of the article.
Pinterest will then pull all the data from your websites through and Open Graph layouts for marking up. But you will have to consult with your developer before deciding which one to use between Open Graph and Alternatively, you can use the plugins for WordPress like YoastSEO for Open Graph data.Lastly, check with Rich Pins Validator to make sure your Rich Pins work fine. Just located this feature and paste in a URL from one of your pages, and if you see little green dots next to each of your Rich Pin Attributes, everything is fine.
So whenever someone pins one of your articles, Pinterest will fetch all the necessary information from the article directly and attach it to the pin.
Grow your Pinterest following
While the number of followers on Pinterest does not directly influence the amount of traffic you get, your profile needs to look authoritative and established. According to experts, you should have at least one thousand followers for your account for higher engagement.Growing the followers’ list on Pinterest is simple. Follow other Pinterest accounts to draw attention to yours.
There are two ways to go about this. Either you use automation software to follow and unfollow profiles on Pinterest or do it yourself manually.Thankfully, there is a more natural way that is guaranteed to work. You can find people who have pinned some of your content and start connecting with them.
To do this, paste this line into your browser and use your domain at the end instead of “YOURDOMAIN”.
This method works the best for Pinterest SEO because you are increasing engagement from actual followers of your account.
Find relevant group boards
Perhaps, the most effective way to gain followers on Pinterest is group boards, which is a Pinterest board where multiple users can pin. The best part is that every person that pins adds their followers to the overall number of board’s following.
As a result, the group will end up with a massive interactive audience.
You can create a group board and invite other Pinterest users to contribute to it. To do this, click “Edit” on your board (anyone can do) and add collaborators.
To benefit from this tactic, try joining huge, authoritative group boards and pin your content there. But you need to find these established groups first. Luckily there is an easier way to do that.Use group boards on BoardBooster and PinGroupie to discover established group boards to join.
While it is quite easy to find group boards, the real task is finding the right category. This is because boards are categorised differently by users.
Eye-Catching Images
As a social platform, Pinterest is an online visual board. To create pins, you need images. It is the visual quality of the pins that will attract users.
The photos you use should be high-quality and optimised. I can’t stress enough on this point. With Pinterest, images are vital regardless of your industry.
If you are in business and tech industries, infographics can be an alternative to images.
Look at existing pins to gather design ideas, and you can use a free tool like Canva and to make high-quality designs. For stock images, you can use Unsplash to download free royalty-free pictures to use.Use simple images in your pins as complicated ones will only get your pins ignored. Keep in mind that there are millions of pins shared on Pinterest, and you can’t stand out from the myriads of other pins, chances are high you will not get any traffic.Instead of images, you can use infographics for this purpose.
Pin, Pin, and Pin!
If you want to attract traffic from Pinterest, you must pin regularly and a lot. But how many pins should you pin each day?
On average, if you want to utilise Pinterest marketing, 10 pins a day will do, including a blend of your content as well as curated content.The maximum pins per day should be 25 pins.
If you want help pinning, you can revert to a third-party marketing tool to pin it for you at a set interval.Tailwind is a great way to set up a repin schedule and also to add your pins to groups to get higher views and repins on your content.
Final Thoughts
If you want to get traffic from Pinterest, you need to invest your time and interact with other users on the platform. Perfect your art of creating the boards, as those are what get you noticed and attract users.
Avoid pinning just your content on Pinterest. You get more traffic on Pinterest when doing a combination of user and your content.
Also, search for topics that relate to your niche, then add as many articles as possible to your boards. Follower other users in your niche as this will give you an excellent source of new pins as well as help you grow your followers.
Last but not least, join group boards. This is the most effective and efficient way to grow your website traffic. Locate group boards by searching on the PinGroupie section of your profile or the site itself.
Group boards can also help you significantly increase followers, the number of repins, as well as help create brand ambassadors on Pinterest.